Saying Yes, Is a Superpower

Saying yes is a superpower. Learning how to say yes in the context of all the things to which you say no, means that what you're really saying yes to is going to end up as a hell yes! Use these strategies to understand how to curate and get the best experience for your life and your career in the fastest way possible:

  • Put together a spreadsheet that lists the benefits and disadvantages of saying yes.

  • In the spreadsheet, include a column for how your body feels if you say yes versus no; pay attention.

  • List your goals if you say yes, and list your goals if you say no, to ensure that you are making the right choice because your answer aligns with your goals.

  • Always ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen if I say yes? What's the worst that could happen if I say no?

  • This might be too tactical for some, but whatever you're saying yes to, look around and see who else is saying yes and who's saying no. Sometimes you'll be surprised at what you find out.

These strategies are ways to give yourself the superpower of saying yes. Saying yes is a superpower when you have the discernment to say no.

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