A Little Secret About Book Publishing

My Little Secret About Book Publishing

I'm going to let you in on a secret. You are self-publishing your books all wrong, and you're losing opportunities to control your own supply chain of publishing a book. Here are six tips that will help you learn how to avoid losing some of your intellectual property to help you be effective with publishing:

🖼 Think about the big picture. What type of book are you trying to publish? Take a look at the environment online to see where those books are being published. For example, if you're publishing a children's book or if you're creating one, that's a very different audience than a business book. So before you do anything, take a look at the genre.

🖥 Digital book or printed book? It's important to ask this question because a printed book requires a different set of steps to produce it than a digital book. They are different processes, not in the same lane, parallel universes.

🍎 🌳 Publishing platforms. Decide if you want to publish on Apple or Amazon or both. These two platforms have different requirements for how to publish a book.

✍🏾 Design your book. Once you've decided whether you want to go digital or print, you'll need to choose whether to design your book yourself or hire someone else to do it. A digital book designer is very different from a print designer who designs covers and typesets copy on the inside.

📚 Consider your publishing volume. Are you in a career change? Are you making major adjustments to what you're doing for a living? Do you think you might be doing five or ten books, or do you think you're going to be doing one book a year? Or is this the only book? Depending on the number of books you produce, that will impact whether or not you should get your own bank of ISBNs.

⏰ Finally, consider how much time you have to promote your content. Do you have your social media channels set up to talk about your book or not?

These are six considerations you should plan for before you start a book publishing process because the worst thing that could happen is you start your book, and you write your book, and then it sits for six months because you haven't done any of these things in advance to prepare for the release of your book on different platforms.

If you'd like to get more on this, I am offering a fast 26-minute virtual class and it teaches you how to publish your book, and also how to launch your own book publishing company. My class will also provide you with cautionary tales and other self-publishing secrets that you won't find anywhere else.

Many book publishing gurus trick you with the basics to get you coming back to them again and again, but they don't tell you the whole truth. I'm a one and done type of teacher. And that's what my class will give to you.


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